Man in green overalls and hat tending to plants outside in Bangkok
Development partners meeting of the ILO Flagship Programme on Social Protection Floors
Event Group
Development partners meeting of the ILO Flagship Programme on Social Protection Floors

Launched in 2016, the ILO’s Global Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for All (SPF Flagship Programme) supports ILO member States in developing sustainable social protection systems, including floors, and contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on social protection (in particular targets 1.3 and 3.8), through a coherent structure to mobilize resources and achieve impact.

The SPF Flagship Programme works in 50 priority countries, aiming to achieve 80 institutional changes and increase legal and effective coverage for an additional 60 million people. Between 2021 and 2024, the Programme contributed already to 148 institutional changes (such as the adoption of laws and the implementation of systems) in 50 priority countries and increased legal and effective coverage for over 50 million people. 

Objectives of the meeting:
- Take stock of the progress made, results achieved, and impact created since the beginning of Phase II of the SPF Flagship Programme, including through the multi-donor programme.
- Share country and partner experiences in extending social protection to all, look at current and future challenges and opportunities, with a focus on key thematic areas.
- Join forces to accelerate the achievement of Universal Social Protection, through building strong social protection systems and positioning social protection as a key tool for creating just and equitable societies.
- Identify key priorities for Phase III of the SPF Flagship Programme.

How to maximize the Flagship Programme’s contribution to the SDGs and beyond

Showing dates/times for

The Flagship Programme was designed in three phases to allow adjustments to an evolving context of challenges and opportunities for increasing social protection coverage and adequacy. The second phase is coming to an end in 2025. The third phase will be aligned with the final countdown to the SDG targets and therefore also contribute to shaping the discussions on the role of social protection in development cooperation priorities post-2030. 

Discussions during the partners meeting will feed into the development of the strategy for Phase III. Participants will have the possibility to share their vision for the future of social protection and the Flagship Programme prior to and during the meeting. Speakers will be sharing their points of view on the priorities and emerging topics. The session provides a summary of the inputs received, before concluding with the way forward.


Valérie Schmitt
Deputy Director, Social Protection Department
International Labour Organization (ILO)

Closing remarks

Peter van Rooij
Director, Multilateral Partnerships and Development Cooperation Department
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Shahra Razavi
Director of the Social Protection Department
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Watch more events of Development partners meeting of the ILO Flagship Programme on Social Protection Floors
How social protection systems can help address challenges to creating just and equitable societies
How social protection systems can help address challenges to creating just and equitable societies