Disabled people meeting around a table

Latin American regional conference of the ILO Global Business and Disability Network

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The Latin America Conference of the ILO Global Business and Disability Network is convened by the International Labour Organization (ILO) as a side event to the Third OECD Ministerial Summit on Social Inclusion. The general objective of the conference is to discuss how companies can be supported to promote and improve the employment of people with disabilities in Latin America.

Opening of the meeting

Claudia Coenjaerts
Regional Director a.i. for Latin America and the Caribbean
International Labour Organization (ILO)
José Antonio Ardavín
Head of the LAC Division at the OECD Global Relations secretariat
Iván Daniell Jaramillo
Vice-Minister of Employment, Ministry of Labour

PANEL 1: Regional trends and challenges for the employment of people with disabilities

PANEL 2: Good corporate practices and lessons learned on inclusion of persons with disabilities

Natalia Privee
Moderator and Adviser
International Organisation of Employers (IOE)
Adriana Salazar
Director of Pre-Sales and Alliances Colombia at Atos, Colombia
Carla Bartolucci
Vice-President of the Chilean Network of Inclusive Companies, Chile
María Antonieta Uribe
Senior Social Impact Specialist at the United Nations Global Compact Network Mexico, Mexico
Claudia Martínez
Senior Economist, Inter-American Development Bank
Yulieth Johana Garcia Alvarez
Head of Employment, COMFAMA Inclusive Business Forum, Colombia

Conclusions and final remarks

Andrés Yurén
Employers' Activities Specialist (ACT/EMP), ILO Office for Latin America and the Caribbean