Man in queue looking over shoulder
ILO at COP27
Event Group
ILO at COP27

Keeping the social dimension of climate change at the forefront of discussions is the focus of events being organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) at the up-coming UN Climate Change Conference (COP27). Together with the European Commission, the ILO hosts the first ever Just Transition Pavilion, a convening space for events, meetings and knowledge sharing around just transition and climate action in cooperation with the UNFCCC, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and International Organisation of Employers (IOE). You can watch live – or replay – all events held in the Pavilion on this page. Please note all times are in Sharm-El-Sheikh local time (GMT+2, GVA+1).

Climate mobility and labour migration in a just transition

Showing dates/times for
Climate change mobility can increase vulnerability in the absence of protection safeguards. Yet planned and chosen migration, that adheres to international standards, can become a meaningful climate resilience and adaptation strategy for sending and receiving communities. In this event speakers from governments, employers and workers’ organizations will discuss key priorities for decent work and just transitions that are inclusive of people on the move.


Farida Yasmeen
Director (MEA), Economic Affairs Wing
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Bangladesh
Lindsay Jenkins
Senior Advisor, Migration
Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, US Department of State
Robert Marinkovic
Adviser, Climate Change
International Organisation of Employers (IOE)
Paula Cammilli
Global Director for Campaigns
Building and woodworkers international (BWI)


Michelle Leighton
Labour Migration Branch Chief
International Labour Organization (ILO)