people running on grassfield under blue skies at daytime
111th International Labour Conference
Event Group
111th International Labour Conference

The International Labour Organization will hold its 111th annual International Labour Conference in Geneva from 5–16 June 2023. Worker, employer and government delegates from the ILO's 187 Member States will tackle a wide range of issues, including: a just transition towards sustainable and inclusive economies, quality apprenticeships, and labour protection.

World of Work Show
Event Series
World of Work Show
The ILO World of Work Show brings you a mix of live interviews and videos on the major challenges and opportunities facing the world of work.

How can we achieve Social Justice?

Showing dates/times for
Talk show

The World of Work Summit will take place on June 14-15 around the central theme of “Social Justice for All”. Ahead of this high level forum, the ILO World of Work Show will offer a sneak peak of what is expected over the two days and will introduce some of the global figures who will attend. With domestic workers continuing to be one of the most overlooked categories of workers worldwide, we will also explore what more needs to be done to ensure they too have access to decent work and social justice. 

Related Resources

Watch more events of 111th International Labour Conference
Opening of the 111th International Labour Conference
Opening of the 111th International Labour Conference