Two male workers having fun and fist bumping during their coffee break at lumber warehouse.
Global Skills Forum
Event Group
Global Skills Forum

Skills and lifelong learning are essential for economies to prosper, individuals to thrive and access decent work, and societies and communities to grow fairer and more resilient. Continuously skilling, reskilling and upskilling people of all ages provides immense value to society and helps to overcome social, environmental, and economic disruptions.

The Global Skills Forum brings together representatives from around the world to take part in a conversation about how to shape skills development in our ever-changing economies and societies. 

Impact stories: The transformative power of apprenticeships

Showing dates/times for

Celebrate the transformative potential of apprenticeships through compelling success stories and interventions, learning how they impact both workers and employers.


Salmir Hodzic
Graduate of an apprenticeship programme in Switzerland
Khayam Mustafa Yakut
Graduate of an apprenticeship programme in Tanzania
Paddy Kavanagh
General Secretary, Connect Trade Union, Executive Council Member of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions
Kissa Kilindu
Assistant Director, Employment Promotion, Prime Minister’s Office for Labour, Youth, Employment and Persons with Disability, Tanzania
Erik Swars
Head of International Relations, Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training
Douglas Tendai Phiri
Senior Advisor, Department for Welfare and Human Rights, Section for Education, Directorate for Development Cooperation, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation


Kathryn Rowan
Executive Director, Global Apprenticeship Network