2 men with vest and masks walking along with big bins to collect rubbish
ILO at COP27
Event Group
ILO at COP27

Keeping the social dimension of climate change at the forefront of discussions is the focus of events being organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) at the up-coming UN Climate Change Conference (COP27). Together with the European Commission, the ILO hosts the first ever Just Transition Pavilion, a convening space for events, meetings and knowledge sharing around just transition and climate action in cooperation with the UNFCCC, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and International Organisation of Employers (IOE). You can watch live – or replay – all events held in the Pavilion on this page. Please note all times are in Sharm-El-Sheikh local time (GMT+2, GVA+1).

Just Transition of informal workers and informal economy

Showing dates/times for
The session will address the challenges and mechanism of just transition of informal workers and the informal economy that dominates the coal mining sectors, as well as most fossil fuel dependent industries. The discussion will draw on experiences on countries of the global South- India, South Africa and Indonesia, and observations of the labour unions, towards addressing it.


Srestha Banerjee
Director, India Just Transition Centre
International Forum for Environment, Sustainability & Technology (iFOREST)
Crispian Oliver
Executive Director
Presidential Climate Commission
Nur Masripatin
Senior Advisor to the Minister of Environment and Forestry
Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Mette Grangaard Lund
Junior Professional Officer
International Labour Organization (ILO)


Chandra Bhushan
President & CEO
International Forum for Environment, Sustainability & Technology (iFOREST)