Woman reaching out looking at branch on blossomed tree
ILO at COP27
Event Group
ILO at COP27

Keeping the social dimension of climate change at the forefront of discussions is the focus of events being organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) at the up-coming UN Climate Change Conference (COP27). Together with the European Commission, the ILO hosts the first ever Just Transition Pavilion, a convening space for events, meetings and knowledge sharing around just transition and climate action in cooperation with the UNFCCC, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and International Organisation of Employers (IOE). You can watch live – or replay – all events held in the Pavilion on this page. Please note all times are in Sharm-El-Sheikh local time (GMT+2, GVA+1).

Pavilion opening: Three years on - Just Transition commitments & the Climate Action for Jobs Initiative

Showing dates/times for
The event will officially open the first ever Just Transition Pavilion at COP. It will aim to take stock of just transition commitments and measures globally and discuss the way forward. It will also reflect on the progress of the Climate Action for Jobs Initiative and how it can further support a human-centred climate agenda, leaving no-one behind.

Welcome remarks

Eric Oechslin
Director of the Decent Work Team for North Africa and Country Director for Egypt and Eritrea
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Joost Korte
Director-General for Employment Social Affairs and Inclusion
European Commission
James Grabert
Director, Mitigation,
United Framework Convention on Climate Change


Kwaku Afriyie
Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology & Innovation
Peter Govindasamy
Senior Director & co-chair of the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures (KCI)
Climate Change International Team, Ministry of Trade and Industry
Catherine Ann Goldberg
Senior Climate Policy Officer & co-chair of the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures (KCI)
Office of Global Change, Department of State
Sharan Burrow
General Secretary
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
Robert Marinkovic
International Organisation of Employers (IOE)


Moustapha Kamal Gueye
Unit Head, Green Jobs
International Labour Organization (ILO)