2 women carrying green bails in a plantation in Guatemala
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Three decades of labour market performance analysis in Latin America and the Caribbean: Progress and prospects

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the "Labour Overview" of the ILO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, this symposium will analyse the current context of the world of work in the region in the light of the advances and challenges that conditioned and/or favoured its performance in terms of employment generation, income opportunities and working conditions.

Climate and environmental change: effects on the world of work in Latin America and the Caribbean

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This panel focuses on the socioeconomic and labour impacts of these changes, what factors should be taken into account and what measures can be promoted to adapt to the major transformations that the planet, and Latin America and the Caribbean in particular, are undergoing. 


Nelson Karam
Director of School, Departamento Intersindical de Estadística e Estudos Socioeconómicos (DIEESE), Brazil
Mariana Conte Grand
Specialist in Environmental Economics, World Bank
Gala Dahlet
Social Protection Officer
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Donovan Campbell
Professor of Economic Geography, University of the West Indies


Guillermo Montt
Social Protection Specialist
International Labour Organization (ILO)

Related Resources

Watch more events of Three decades of labour market performance analysis in Latin America and the Caribbean: Progress and prospects
Labour protection and technological changes in Latin America and the Caribbean
Labour protection and technological changes in Latin America and the Caribbean
The transformation of the informal economy and the challenges of measurement
The transformation of the informal economy and the challenges of measurement