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Three decades of labour market performance analysis in Latin America and the Caribbean: Progress and prospects

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the "Labour Overview" of the ILO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, this symposium will analyse the current context of the world of work in the region in the light of the advances and challenges that conditioned and/or favoured its performance in terms of employment generation, income opportunities and working conditions.

Labour protection and technological changes in Latin America and the Caribbean

Showing dates/times for

This panel will discuss technological changes and their impact on labour markets in Latin America and the Caribbean, with a focus on the changes needed in the design of public policies to ensure inclusive, adequate and effective labour protection in the new contexts.

Opening Remarks

Manuela Tomei
Assistant Director General, Governance, Rights and Dialogue Cluster
International Labour Organization (ILO)


Rodrigo Arim
Rector, University of the Republic, Uruguay
Verónica Alaimo
Lead Specialist, Social Department, Labour Markets Division, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Sonia Gontero
Wages and Working Time Specialist, Latin America Southern Cone Office
International Labour Organization (ILO)

Related Resources

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Economic, productive and social opportunities in the face of a changing world of work
Economic, productive and social opportunities in the face of a changing world of work
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Climate and environmental change: effects on the world of work in Latin America and the Caribbean